Some of the "best" of the older show episodes have already been uploaded & are available again. These older episodes are getting uploaded in bulk to supplement the feed's new episodes that post weekly.
I previously had uploaded 13 older episodes, which can all be found & downloaded directly here: KSCGSF is Back
Additionally, here is another sampling of a few more classic Turtle Tuesday episodes from the original podcast run in 2014-2016.
Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 001 Downloadable here:Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 001
In this classic first episode, I discuss briefly about growing up a TMNT Addict in the in 1980's and 90's, and about a very unique, recent Original Art score. Check out the gorgeous Gordon Purcell art pages contained within this post, and for the story behind them, download the episode!
Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 002 Downloadable here: Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 002

Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 003 Downloadable here: Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 003
This time out I take a look at the issue that started it all, Mirage's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 from 1984.
Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 004 Downloadable here: Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 004
This time out I give a brief overview of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rich history on the television and movie screen. 5 movies, 3 cartoon series, and 1 live action series.
Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 005 Downloadable here: Turtle Tuesday Classic Ep 005
This time out I dive into the first season of the Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Cartoon released in December of 1987. I give a brief recap, point out some of the more significant aspects to the Turtle Mythos introduced in this first season, and then briefly touch on the 3 issue comic adaption of the season.