Welcome to the 22nd Episode of King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun Podcast! Wait...What?!?!?! 22nd Episode? What happened to the 21st episode?!?! That's right, this one is a special out of order time travel episode, that appears out of order, but I have a good reason why!!!
As always you can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, or download the episode directly here: King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun Ep 22 Conway X-Over
This is a very special episode where I'm joined by the Podcasting Legend, Rob Kelly of the Fire & Water Podcast Network. Rob also regularly contributes to Back Issue Magazine, writes the digital first comic Ace Killroy, as well as runs the comic blogs the Aquaman Shrine, the Justice League Satellite, the Power Records Blog, and the Treasury Comic blog.
Rob joins me to talk about a very hot and important topic, creator equity, in a series of Podcast Episodes known as the Conway Xover. This is in response to some of the concerns that legendary comic book writer Gerry Conway brought into the spotlight a few weeks ago, a problem and change in policy by DC Entertainment that has been plaguing Conway and other comic creators like Alan Brennert. A whole lot of podcasts are participating, and you'll find links to those below! As part of the Conway Xover event, I also guest appeared on Episode 31 of the Super Mates Podcast, the husband and wife geekcast hosted by Chris and Cindy Franklin. On that episode we talked about Conway's contributions to Superman Family #186 & 187. I want to send out a big thank you to the Franklin Family for having me aboard their fine podcast, we had a load of fun in our coverage of 2 fine Dollar Comics issues.
I want to thank Rob Kelly again for stopping by, he put up with my sleep deprived rambling (last week was a long one for me folks) to bring some sort of coherence to my rambling. Rob is a busy man, and I really appreciate him taking the time to join me and improve the quality of the podcast. My recording also crapped out and Rob saved the day with his back-up recording! You rock Aqua-Rob!
PARTICIPANTS of the #ConwayXover:
Superman & Batman Podcast - Michael Bradley (organizer of this entire event!) w/guest Aaron Moss - Superman/Batman teamup from World's Finest #269, plus the Conway-written Red Tornado story from the same issue. Will be out May 19 or 26.
Fire & Water Podcast (Rob Kelly and Irredeemable Shag)
Episode 125 - Gerry Conway Interview on Creator Equity
Released: May 7, 2015
Flowers & Fishnets (Ryan Daly) - Episode 11 covering Black Canary and Green Arrow stories from World’s Finest #245. http://blackcanaryfan.blogspot.com
SuperMates - (Chris & Cindy Franklin) - w/ Kyle Benning, Superman Family 186-187: Posted 05/17/2015
From Kid to Flash (Mythmaking ETC) (Chris Ivey) - Planning on making episode 18 of my Wally West series my #ConwayXover contribution. Moving up Secret Society of Supervillains #8 and #9 (1977) in the schedule to tie in with the event. May 18th release. http://mythmakingetc.blogspot.com/2015/05/from-kid-to-flash-18-conwayxover.html
The Hammer Podcasts! (Gene Hendricks) - Episode 12 covering Thor 224, scheduled for release on or around May 18th. (Podcast Page: http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=35 ) Episode Link: http://twotruefreaks.com/media/podcasts/TheHammerPodcasts/mp3/THP-Episode012.mp3
Quarter Bin Podcast (Alan Middleton) - JLA #188,released Tues 5/19. http://relativelygeekypodcast.blogspot.com/2015/05/qbp-052-justice-league-of-america-188.html
Between The Pages Blog (Karen Williams) - The Sweet Superhero Stories of Gerry Conway will focus on his work on Amazing Spider-Man and the Justice League of America. The stories I plan to touch upon are the Death of Gwen Stacy, the original clone saga, 1st appearance of the Punisher, Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man, The JLA / JSA / New Gods, the JLA / JSA /Secret Society of Supervillains, JLA 200, and Justice League Detroit.
Vault Of Startling Monster Horror Tales Of Terror (Shawn Engel) - Tomb of Dracula - The regular gang of idiots (Chris Honeywell, Luke Jaconetti, Chris “Hair-Metal Hero” Tyler, newcomer Jason Jaconetti, and myself) will synopsize and discuss the first issue of Tomb of Dracula on episode 48 of the show. We’ll also discuss the relevance of horror comics returning to mainstream comics and touch on the whole situation with Mr. Conway. Forewarned, the show does tend to have limited filters at times, so an adult content warning might be advised. Release date should be March 20th, provided all goes well. Check it out here. I will post the actual episode when it drops.
Comic Book Time Machine (Ben Avery) - Superman/Spider-man and the unofficial crossover in Amazing Fantasy, Justice League, and Thor, Amazing Adventure 16, JLA 103, and Thor 207
Task Force X (Aaron “Head” Moss) - Episode 10 - Action Comics #52. Available at http://headspeaks.com
Head Speaks (Aaron “Head” Moss) - Episode 11 - Covering Firestorm #1-2, scheduled for 5/19(ish) Available at http://headspeaks.com Normally Head Speaks often uses language not suited for the entire family. Younger viewers are normally discouraged. This episode he’ll try to contain his potty mouth.
LanternCast (Chad Bokelman and Mark Marble)
Episode #220 - The Collaborative Conway Crossover Caper!
Content for Review: Brave and the Bold #174 & Super Team Family #12
Scheduled Release Date: May 19th, 2015
Pop Culture Affidavit (Tom Panarese) -- Cinder and Ashe #1-4; more than likely week of May 17 as part of “80 Years of DC Comics” series. http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=40
King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun (Kyle Benning) - http://kingsizecomicsgiantsizefun.blogspot.com
w/ Rob Kelly, DC Special Series #1, a Dollar Comics Issue that features a Conway penned Aquaman story.
Hey Kids, Comics! (Andy and Micheal Leyland) We are in the middle of a bunch of bandwagon jumping shows about comics characters about to get TV shows. In the Luke Cage episode (released on 5/28/15) we’ll be covering AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #128. http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=14
Superman Forever Radio (Bob Fisher) - something Superman
The Flash Podcast (Andy Behbakht) www.theflashpodcast.com/
Back to the Bins Podcast: Paul Spataro & Crew, episodes drop Saturdays and are available on iTunes & at the Two True Freaks website. http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=1
Feedback for the podcast can be left here at the blog, on iTunes via an iTunes review, emailed to me at my email address kylebenning41@yahoo.com, or on Facebook:King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun Facebook Page
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