It's the end of the month of May, which means one thing, Kyle is rushing to upload old episodes to justify the cost he pays libsyn monthly to host the podcast! That means you get a load of episodes dropped at all once!
So jump in your time machine and head-back to some of the earliest days of the King-Size Comic Giant-Size Fun Podcast from back in 2015 and listen to the 3 "Team-Up" episodes I did with prominent members of the podcasting sphere. Included here are episodes I recorded with J David Weter, Alan Middleton, and Rob Kelly!

With Professor Alan, I sat down the glorious Super-Stars in Space #2, which reprinted classic Adam Strange, Hawkman, and other DC Silver Age Sci-Fi stories. Because I'm too lazy to edit a 5 year old episode, so you can even get a behind the scenes listen to our brief preamble. You can listen to that discussion here: KSCGSF Classic: DC Super-Stars of Space with Professor Alan
And with Rob Kelly I sat down to discuss the Gerry Conway penned Aquaman featured from DC's 5 Star Spectacular, as part of May 2015's Conway Crossover. Likewise, since I'm too lazy to edit a 5 year old episode, so you can even get a behind the scenes listen to Rob & I preamble in this one as well.You can listen to that discussion here: KSCGSF Classic: Aquaman Conway Crossover with Rob Kelly

This podcast is made for entertainment purposes only. All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended, so please don’t sue me.
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