- Yuletide with the Turtles
- 40’s Christmas Classics
- Even more Power Hour
- 5 Christmas Specials
- Enemy Ace Saving Christmas
- Some Christmas Power Hour
- Bulletman Punching Santa
- And Fun with the gang and Archie
Cowabunga Dudes! It’s time for me to revisit the Teenage
Mutant Turtles and my neglected Turtle Tuesday Podcast for a Christmas themed
episode! It’s been nearly a year since my last Turtle Tuesday, but it’s back
just in time for Day 8 of my 12 Days of Christmas coverage, and this time out,
I’m taking a look at the IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #65, a Christmas
themed issue that went on sale last week!

Thank you so much for
listening, feedback for the Podcast can be left at the show headquarter and
blog located at www.kingsizecomicsgiantsizefun.blogspot.com, or you can email me directly at kylebenning41@yahoo.com, leave a
comment on the King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun Facebook page, or tweet me at
Twitter Handle @KyleBenning_Art.
This Podcast is
made for Entertainment purposes only, all songs, sound clips, and characters
discussed are copyright of their respective holders, used under fair use, and
no infringement is intended. Merry Christmas & have a safe holiday season.